The Secrets of Color Harmony
Learn how to create beautiful color harmony in your paintings • with Karen Lynn Ingalls
Coming in Autumn 2024 — dates to be announced
Coming in Autumn 2024 — dates to be announced
Do you wish you could get your colors to work — and play — together better in your artwork?
Sometimes colors just don't behave, and it can be a frustrating struggle when they don’t. How do you change that?
Sometimes colors just don't behave, and it can be a frustrating struggle when they don’t. How do you change that?
In this workshop, you will discover and apply foolproof secrets — fourteen specific, surefire methods you can use to create beautiful, harmonious color in your paintings.
You'll test each method, putting it into practice, so you'll see and experience the results firsthand.
You'll test each method, putting it into practice, so you'll see and experience the results firsthand.
You will also explore:
Then you will experiment with different color palettes, using acrylic paints, so you can compare and contrast the results of making different color choices. |
Next, you will discover:
We'll do all this with friendly, versatile, water-soluble acrylic paints — but what you learn will be applicable to other media as well. |
You'll also learn more about:
It's color theory, but simplified and made practical— so that you can easily apply what you learn in your own paintings, no matter what is your style or subject matter.
Over the course of the weekend, you will create your own book of examples that you can use as an invaluable color reference later. And you will receive Karen's mini-book on The Secrets of Color Harmony, as a resource.
Taming those uncooperative colors really isn’t as hard as it may seem, once you know these secrets and have a chance to put them into practice. |
The Secrets of Color Harmony
Dates to be announced — Autumn 2024
Where: Online, live on Zoom
How much: $245
Materials you'll need: (See materials list for more specifics)
Paints (the demonstrations will be in acrylics, but you're welcome to use oils, watercolors, or gouache, since you're working at home)
Watercolor paper
Palettes for color mixing (waxy-coated paper plates work well)
Your mini-book on The Secrets of Color Harmony
For more information, call Karen Lynn Ingalls at (707) 332-7400.
Dates to be announced — Autumn 2024
Where: Online, live on Zoom
How much: $245
Materials you'll need: (See materials list for more specifics)
Paints (the demonstrations will be in acrylics, but you're welcome to use oils, watercolors, or gouache, since you're working at home)
Watercolor paper
Palettes for color mixing (waxy-coated paper plates work well)
Your mini-book on The Secrets of Color Harmony
For more information, call Karen Lynn Ingalls at (707) 332-7400.